Within the framework of its dedicated structures, the ODDO BHF Acting for Tomorrow endowment fund and the independent ODDO BHF Stiftung foundation, the Group is involved in promoting the development of the countries in which
it operates by supporting educational, social and artistic projects.
Since 2016, the endowment fund ODDO BHF Agir pour Demain and the ODDO BHF Stiftung have been trying to combine their efforts in order to share their experiences and develop joint actions on both sides of the Rhine
(cross-support to our historical partners, joint calls for donations and contributions, etc.).
The ODDO BHF Stiftung was founded in 1999 as a non-profit foundation under German law.
ODDO BHF Stiftung is an operational and independent foundation that initiates and develops unconventional ideas and projects that go off the beaten track.
Its motto is: "Neue Wege, neue Sichtweisen" ("New paths, new perspectives"). The foundation, whose ambition is long-term action, has set itself the task of advancing society through model projects, which can then be taken up
by other structures, particularly public structures.
In the social field, the work of the ODDO BHF Stiftung aims to protect and support children and their families (learning, personal development, prevention) and the elderly (research and support on improving living
The ODDO BHF Stiftung also works in the artistic field (theater, literature, cinema, etc.).
We wish to involve our employees and clients in our corporate philanthropy actions, via our ODDO BHF Acting for Tomorrow endowment fund, set up in 2012.
The objective of the ODDO Acting for Tomorrow endowment fund is twofold:
Its legal structure ensures the sustainability of the Group's philanthropic actions.
The fund is made up of an endowment of consumable capital, which allows ODDO BHF to structure its philanthropic approach and to commit itself over the long term with its partners, ensuring respect and follow-up of the partnerships contracted with flexibility.
The partnership between ODDO BHF and MSF was established in 2014. It is based on a sharing of common values, including independence, responsiveness and a sense of long-term commitment. In particular, this partnership enables the Group to mobilize its employees in emergency situations to support actions implemented by MSF in response to humanitarian disasters, with an internal fundraising campaign, supplemented by a 100% matching contribution by the endowment fund.
Through this partnership, we have been supporting medical research for more than 10 years as we are convinced that a continual search for innovation is an essential lever for long-term progress.
The Fondation Recherche Alzheimer is a foundation recognized as being in the public interest and based in the Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital. Its purpose is to fund and coordinate research on Alzheimer's
and related diseases and to advance knowledge on the subject.
The Foundation provides financial support to teams of excellence in France and Europe whose priority research areas are clinical research, biomarkers and early diagnosis.
With our support, the Foundation organizes an annual Gala whose goal is to mobilize the general public around Alzheimer's and to raise funds for the researchers it supports.
At the end of 2017, the ODDO BHF Acting for Tomorrow endowment fund decided to support the Cours Ozanam education project by helping to finance the creation and operation of Collège Frédéric Ozanam over three years from 2017 to 2019. This school, supported by the Espérance Banlieues foundation, aims to improve the quality of education in the poorer districts in the north of Marseilles.
In 2020, the Group became a partner of Télémaque, an association that works for equal opportunity and enables Group employees to sponsor deserving young middle and high school students, to support and
advise them, with the aim of giving them the confidence and resources they need to complete their projects.
In addition to these partnerships, every year the endowment fund carries out specific actions depending on the events: support for the Fondation du Patrimoine for the reconstruction of Notre-Dame de Paris in 2019, support for a Franco-German youth project in 2019, support for Mayotte etc.